Sava in the News

News, Events & Updates

Visit Sava at MD&M West 2025

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Visit us at Booth 1597 to explore ultrafine tungsten and stainless steel cable assemblies used in today’s surgical robots. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with our cable experts!

Carl Stahl Sava Industries Receives Distinction by Medical Design and Outsourcing Magazine

Friday, December 16, 2022

Carl Stahl Sava Industries (Sava), a worldwide maker of ultrafine mechanical cables for surgical robots and other medical applications, has been recognized by the global trade magazine, Medical Design and Outsourcing for leadership in MedTech cable manufacturing.

Sava Named Manufacturer of the Year

Friday, October 1, 2021

Every person who has gone to a gas station has used pulleys, whether they know it or not. As, Pulleys are a simple machine used in mechanical applications where reducing effort is optimal, in the case of fueling up one's car, the pulley system assists by spreading heavy loads across the distance between the fueling unit and a car's fuel dispenser. In this case, the load also typically traverses a bend radius or radii. In the case of EV charging stations, similarly to gas station pumps, the pulley at the top of the charging unit allows a cable-made tether to glide effortlessly around the pulley and support the weight of the charging cable.

President & CEO Chris Krasas Talks Openly About Navigating the Company Through Covid-19

Thursday, November 12, 2020
With Covid-19 placing demands on businesses big and small, far and wide, CEOs are being forced to summon their best to ensure the safety of workforces and customer satisfaction.

Carl Stahl Sava Industries Certified by NJBIA as a New Jersey Healthy Business

Tuesday, September 7, 2020
Amid the protracted, global health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, The New Jersey Business and Industry Association (NJBIA) has established a healthy business course that certifies a New Jersey business has met rigid standards and best practices and policies for a safe and healthy workplace.